Friday 29 June 2012

1st blog =)

Hello everyone ! A very warm welcome to my blog

This is my 1st blog...nothing much to express in my blog...just want to share something around me. My family, friends, best friend and my "girlfriend" . They all paint my life, share my time and occupied my heart.

My home sweet home's member

 This is my family ! A family that full of caring, fun, happiness and crazy. We will have party for some festival or holiday...Our vision : NO DRUNK NO HOME ! Look forward for our next party... ROCK IT !

My Best Friend

WTF !!! We don't have take any photo together's funny ! His name fee. I call him fee whenever others is around if not I will call him "fei zai fee"...he sure scold me whenever i call him like that...he's the one who always complaint me didn't accompany him for dinner, lunch, breakfast, supper, shopping, movie, outing, and so on other than my mum and girl friend. Haha...He taught me a lot in my life, advice me, give opportunity and assist me in many things like my business. Much more that can't express here. I really appreciate YOU ! Thank you...If in the future I got chance to give a speech to thank to...your name sure appear in my speech !Sorry for disappointing you..As I know many people curious about you because you are well in many aspect...I feel proud to become your friend ! But do remember don't give up all what are you having now, don't destroy what you had built in these few years ! Add oil ! I will continuous tidy ur room, make you a cup of coffee, iron ur clothes and so on. But please don't say 家有个女人几时都系咁好!xxxx you !

My friends 朋友 pin you


几乎每天见...三餐对着....haha...FRIENDSHIP FOREVER...想找我们ghanny, block c, westlake, yeah cafe, luk luk 档 还是1290... 都可以见到我们踪影...

Friendship part to be continued !



My "girlfriend"

介绍下...我的"女朋友"...Cecilia =)
好啦...讲正经的啦...先先见你还蛮正经的...然后就越来越“真”了...你应该明白我说的"真"...哈哈...见到你会有一种喜感...总之有你的地方就有笑场了...笑不出那个是有问题的...真的很开心...你可以去做“笑话”秀了...用你的表情肢体动作...请继续下去好吗?不要把这些都收回....还记得你送我的生日礼物吗?不准收回 !!! 还有两个月就要和你分手了...不舍得...不过说过了会去KL找你....还要续约呢!
这个时候你应该会讲:最好是...哈哈...不要再找借口把我甩开了...“女朋友”哈哈 be continue !

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